Quality Used Semi-Trucks
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Maintenance never sleeps: Tips to keep you up and running year-round.

Spring, summer, fall, winter. Hot, cold, windy, rainy, snowy. Each season brings its own set of challenges for semi-truck owners. No matter the time of year or driving conditions, it’s easy to make proper maintenance a priority. All it takes is a little bit of planning, and some adjustments throughout the calendar year.

Let’s start with all-season maintenance.

Perform Regular Inspections

  • Follow manufacturer-recommended schedules for oil changes, filter replacements, and other routine services.
  • Monitor engine performance indicators such as fuel efficiency, unusual noises, or vibrations.
  • Address any engine warning lights immediately by diagnosing and repairing the issue.
  • Check exhaust system components for leaks, corrosion, or damage.
  • Ensure compliance with emissions standards applicable in your region.
  • Monitor tire pressure regularly, including spare tires.
  • Rotate tires according to manufacturer guidelines to promote even wear.
  • Inspect tires for cuts, punctures, and tread depth.
  • Keep all moving parts properly lubricated according to manufacturer recommendations.
  • Grease fittings as needed to prevent premature wear.

Another important year-round tip is to keep detailed records of maintenance and repairs to track your truck's performance and to ensure compliance with regulations.

Your truck isn’t the only thing that needs to stay in good running order. Being prepared to take care of yourself is key, too. Make sure to pack essentials such as toolbox, first-aid kit, and important contacts, just in case. It also never hurts to stay weather-ready by practicing driving in different conditions and knowing how they can impact your truck's maintenance needs.

Lastly, stay updated on industry best practices, regulatory requirements, and any recalls or technical bulletins related to your truck model and ensure you have access to roadside assistance services and know how to use them if needed.

To be especially attuned to changing driving conditions. We want to help make this easier. So here’s a seasonal schedule to maintain the reliability and longevity of your semi-truck.

Keeping your semi truck in top condition is crucial for safety, efficiency, and minimizing downtime. By following an essential maintenance schedule, you can minimize the risk of breakdowns, and reduce overall operating costs over time.

For easy reference on maintaining your truck year-round, download our Essential Seasonal Maintenance Schedule here.

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